So this weekend, Joseph and I had a conversation about the Easter Bunny. I asked him if the Easter Bunny was real and he said, "Mommy, isn't the Easter Bunny like a mascot?" I jumped on that and said, "Yes, he's kinda like a mascot. He's fun to pretend is real, but is not."
Easter has been a low-key holiday for us as far as the secular side goes. We've never given Joseph an Easter basket with toys or gifts. For a few years we would hang out with our friends in Waco, the Howard's, and hunted eggs with little toys in them, or just hung out with family. I LOVE Easter for its meaning spiritually. I just cant find myself to do a bunch of Easter Bunny stuff. I realize that most people celebrate the Easter Bunny and I don't think there's anything wrong with it....AT ALL. Sometimes it's easier to go along with it until the kids get older, but we've just been able to avoid it for whatever reason.
Well, this evening while eating dinner Joseph asked me, "How come the Easter Bunny didn't come to our house yesterday?" (Doh!!! He goes to school with 15 other kids who had a visit from the Easter Bunny!!) I quickly reminded Joseph that the Easter Bunny was like a mascot. He rebuttled with, "But mommy, I didn't get anything." I again, quickly, reminded him that we painted eggs, and hunted eggs with coins in them at Gran-mommie Joe's house. He was satisfied with that. I hope that he doesn't crush his little friend's hearts by sharing the fact that the Easter Bunny is 'like a mascot'.
Abe's 4th Birthday
8 years ago